Sing Like A Canary

A shorter novel based off of detective noir stories. The story follows a duo through the streets of Ashburn-heia.

The story is the Fitzgerald to LDPC's Hemingway. There are larger Roaring Twenties aesthetics. This story is also different in that its in first person point of view and we quickly learn Rhianna's name and the name of her adoptive father. She says that her name is tied to her biological parents' culture, and the only memories she has of them were very loving. However, she thinks, that must not have been the case if her adoptive father is now raising her. Her conversations with her father are curt, and the first chapter focuses on convincing him to let her take on a job in Ashburn-heia, a city where a prominent Russian crime family is. He obliges on letting her be a computer, and nothing more.